HeartBreak and Promise

All of us as humans have had a heartbreak somewhere in our lives. From the time we were 5 when we didn’t get that toy that we had our eyes on the entire time we were in the store, to highschool breakups and regret. However, maybe your heartbreak looks different, like the passing of a close family member or friend. Perhaps it is your parents getting divorced or not loving you enough. We all go through heartbreak and we all deal with it differently. It is never an easy thing to go through and I’m sure all of us would avoid it and stay as far away from it as we can. Being a Christian, for me, heartbreak is especially hard. Like getting rejected from companies where I thought I would fit so well or failing at something that I thought would be so simple. It is also the pain of being left by people who loved me. I just recently went through a heartbreak that left me in feeling confused, abandoned and alone. I say it is hard for me go through heartbreak as a Christian because I get angry at God. I think that he doesn’t understand how I could be feeling and after all, He is in control and allows things like this to happen. But always I fail to remember that God knows and understands exactly how we all feel going through heartbreak. Jesus was accepted by thousands of people and crowned King while riding through Jerusalem. Yet just a short time later those were the same people who crucified him. I can’t help to remember when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane when he prayed to God and asked if there was another way, and God gave no answer. Jesus must have felt pretty abandoned also when his best friend Peter denied his name three times and said that he never knew him. God knows exactly where you are and what you are going through. He allows heartbreak to happen for a reason, and it is a blessing because God allowed for this to happen where you are at in your life. He never makes mistakes. I came to the realization of all the blessings I have in my life. So when heartbreaks happen and you feel alone, pray and trust in God. He is faithful and he has promised us all that He has a beautiful plan for our lives. So please never give up on Him because God will never give up on you.Image result for john 14:8 if god is all you have

5 thoughts on “HeartBreak and Promise”

  1. Very well written. I believe there are so many hurting people around us every day. I have faced many difficult times alone; however, I was never alone, since God was always with me. He goes before me and fights my battles, He walks with me along the way, and stands behind me to encourage me.


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